First stage: SUFI MOVEMENTS 30 minutes
Second stage: WHIRLING 15 minutes
Third stage: SILENCE 15 minutes
Third stage: SILENCE 15 minutes
What is Christian meditation?
Answer: The biblical passages that use the phrase "Christian meditation" are few. Both words "meditate" and "meditation" are found about eighteen times in the Old Testament. There are basically two Hebrew words which are translated "meditate," found in Genesis 24:63; Joshua 1:8; Psalm 1:2; 63:6; 77:12; 119:15, 23, 48, 148; and 143:5. The Hebrew word "hagah" is given the meaning in the context of these verses to "ponder, imagine, meditate, mourn, speak, study, talk, utter, etc." Further meaning of meditation is given in the Hebrew word "aiyach" when it is used to mean "to ponder, to converse with oneself, and hence aloud; to utter or commune, complain, declare, meditate, muse, pray, speak, talk with (God in prayer, etc.) or it could be with another believer or group of believers--speaking one's thoughts about a passage of Scripture or words to a hymn, etc.
The word meditation is used in Psalm 5:1; 19:14; 49:3; 104:34; 119:97, 99. A familiar verse in Psalm 19:14 states, "Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in Thy sight..." He asks that his words and thoughts be equal. Words of the mouth are a sham if they are not backed up by meditation of the heart.
A passage in the New Testament gives an even greater meaning as to application of this word "meditate (meditation)." The Greek word used is "meletao" which means "to take care of" or "resolve in your mind" to do these things. This verse is 1 Timothy 4:15: "Meditate upon these things (preceding verses): give thyself wholly to them;..." Paul clarifies the words "save thyself...and others" in verse 16. "Take heed unto thyself, and unto the doctrine; continue in them: for in doing this thou shalt both save thyself, and them that hear thee." Taking heed unto the Word of God (doctrine), you will not be "giving doctrines of devils" (verse 1). This seems to be the contextual meaning of "save thyself." The hearers also will be saved from "giving heed to seducing spirits."
As you can see, then, true Christian meditation is an active thought (thinking, resolving) process whereby one gives himself to study of the Word, praying over it, asking God to give you understanding by the Spirit, putting it into practice in daily life, and allowing it (the Scriptures) become the rule for life and practice as you go about your daily activities. This causes spiritual growth and maturing in the things of God as taught you by His Holy Spirit indwelling you as a believer.
May your Christian Meditation bless you with love and peace of mind.
What is Kabbalah?
Kabbalah is an ancient Jewish mystical system of meditation that teaches the profoundest insights into the essence of God, how He interacts with the world and the purpose of creation. Kabbalah and its teachings are an integral part of Torah, the entire body of Jewish wisdom and teachings, both the Oral law and the Written law. Some Jewish scholars even suggest that Torah is the hand-written scroll of the Divine Law or the Five Books of Moses.
Kabbalah Meditation
Kabbalah meditations were devised by the Jewish mystics over 2,000 years ago to enhance the awareness and access higher planes of consciousness. The aim of Kabbalah meditation is to make the practitioners the true carriers of the light of God. Kabbalah meditation continues to flourish in the oral tradition and rises above the written word. This system will enable you to attain peace and happiness through the union with God.
The Objective of Kabbalah Meditation
The objective of Kabbalah meditation transcends the need for relaxation and quieting the mind. Kabbalah meditation enables the seekers to directly interact with the higher worlds and bring about positive changes in life. It wipes off the negative influences both from your body and mind and establishes the power of mind over the matter. The essence of Kabbalah meditation is to bring new resources of joy, love and understanding to everything you do.
Kabbalah meditation explores the complex character of the divine reality particularly the inability of the human thought to grasp Him. It uses various techniques including meditations on Hebrew letter permutations and combinations and the ways in which sefirot or the supernatural forces harmonize and interact with each other. These meditative techniques produce visionary experiences of the angels and their residential chambers. Another important objective of Kabbalah is to rectify the imperfections of the soul rather than creating spiritual knowledge.
Sit in a relax position. Try to proceed the things in following manner -
Please try this meditation to relax and heal the body mind and soul.
What is Sahaj Marg?
There are many systems of meditation that exist in the world today, each having different objectives and intentions. Sahaj Marg, meaning “natural path” is the ancient teaching of spiritual training, basing itself on the heart-centered meditation, simplified and modified for people of today’s world. This is a simplified practice, with no rituals or ceremonies, and the power of thought is the only thing used to reach the spiritual goal of complete oneness with the Ultimate.
Meditation is the continuous thought and concentration on one thing, and the founding fathers of Sahaj Marg understand that we meditate on that of which we choose to become. And therefore, with the guidance and spiritual support of the spiritual beliefs that we possess, practitioners meditate on the Divine Presence in the heart as the most direct means of achieving those specific goals.
Integrating the physical, mental and spiritual aspects of the human being, the practice of Sahaj Marg encourages people to maintain their routine working life and family.
Cleansing: The teachings of the Sahaj Marg lead us to believe that everything we do and think leave everlasting impressions on both our minds and hearts. During the course of our lifetime, these subconscious impressions build up and begin to deepen into our normal tendencies, conditioning our behavior, therefore preventing us from realizing the potential that can be gained from our spiritual growth.
The Sahaj Marg’s meditation
Meditation is the act of thinking continuously about one thing. In meditation, one is receptive, while in focusing, one uses the will. The ability to enhance concentration is a positive byproduct of meditation.
Sahaj Marg Teachings recognize that throughout one’s meditation stages, the subconscious impressions are not removed; instead they are like seeds laying in wait until the time to bloom is right. The Sahaj Marg offers very specific techniques, known as cleansing, to remove these sorts of tendencies that we possess and prepare the receiver to receive transmission.
Transmission: this is the other essential and unique element of the teachings of the Sahaj Marg. It is the transfer of energies from the Spirits to the Aspirant. This long sleeping technique is known as pranahuti in Sanskrit, and was rediscovered by the Grand Master of the previous century. The spirits, who are merged with the ultimate, is thus able to transmit the spiritual essence into the deepest level of the Aspirants heart.
Sahaj Marg morning meditation
Sit comfortably, with your eyes closed, and possess the thought that our heart is filled with the Divine Light. Sitting comfortably is recommended because during the meditation session, you do not want the body to fault and ruin your concentration, so choose a position that you know you will be comfortable with in the next hour. We sit comfortably only so that we are not bothered by our bodies during meditation. If we become uncomfortable, we may change positions. But do not lie down and meditate, as the relaxation will put us to sleep.
Regarding the light in the heart, we are not to see it or try and see any light in the heart, as it is merely a supposition that the light is there. The prescribed thought should only be for one hour no less.
As we are all human, when we first sit down to meditate, we will have some sort of disturbing thought. We must learn not to attend to those thoughts but ignore them. So in ignoring the thought, you will see that it will just drop off.
This is where it is necessary to know that all thoughts come from inside us, our own thoughts, in the form of samskaras. If we choose to attend to these thoughts when they rise, they will become powerful, multiplying and eventually go back inside. But when we do not attend to them, we allow them to fall away, thus the inner store of Subconscious impressions become exhausted quickly. This is how we reach the state of thoughtlessness during meditation. However you must remember that thoughtlessness is not our goal.
This covers the morning meditation, apart from the fact that it must be performed before sunrise.
Evening Cleaning
Sit for about a half hour, with a suggestion to yourself that all complexities, impurities including grossness and darkness are leaving the whole system through the back in the form of smoke or vapor, and that in their place, the Divine Light is entering your heart. Do not meditate on those things we wish to eradicate, simply brush them off, and then follow the same meditation.